Plant & Animal Breeding

Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter.

     1         2          
5      6               7     


1. An investigation set up to evaluate GM crops. (5,5)
4. Type of cross involving only the one gene. (10)
6. Gene which can be masked by another. (9)
8. Variation where individual have clear cut distinct differences. (8)
10. An organism which is homozygous is said to be _____________ . (4,8)
11. Fusion of two gametes from unrelated members of the same species. (11)
12. Type of variation which can be measured. (10)
13. A genotype where both alleles are identical. (10)
14. Type of inheritance involving the interaction of many genes. (9)
15. Mixing the genes of two strains of an organism. (5,8)


2. Fusion of 2 gametes from close relatives. (10)
3. Type of allele which masks others. (8)
5. Cross carried out to try to identify the genotype of a heterozygous or homozygous individual. (4,5)
7. What an organism looks like. (9)
9. Genotype when the alleles are not the same. (12)
13. Uniformly heterozygous individuals produced from 2 different homozygous organisms. (6)